The URBACT programme allows EU cities to work together and develop integrated solutions to common urban challenges.

Aims & Objectives

URBACT IV runs from 2021-2027 and aims to build the capacity of cities to design and implement Sustainable Urban Development strategies in complementarity and cooperation with the European Urban Initiative. The overall objective of the programme is to contribute to EU Cohesion Policy Objective 5 – Europe Closer to Citizens by fostering sustainable and integrated development.

URBACT’s mission is to enable cities to work together and develop integrated solutions to common urban challenges, by networking, learning from one another’s experiences, drawing lessons and identifying good practices to improve urban policies. The purpose is to promote integrated sustainable development in cities, improve city’s policies and improve the effectiveness of cohesion policy in cities. The ‘bottom up’ approach of the programme allows cities to define their own needs whilst ensuring a strong link to the Cohesion Policy framework.

URBACT is an instrument of the Cohesion Policy, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, the 28 Member States, Norway and Switzerland.

What does it support?

The main mechanism that URBACT uses to achieve its objectives is through co-financing exchange and learning networks that typically run for 30 months and involve six to twelve cities, depending on the type of network. In URBACT IV there are three main types of networks:

  • Action Planning Networks
  • Transfer Networks
  • Innovation Transfer Mechanism Networks.

Each network focuses on a specific theme or challenge. Key outputs of URBACT networks include the production of a local action plan by a local support group made up of key stakeholders, case studies and thematic reports.

Who can apply?

  • Cities, municipalities, towns;
  • Local agencies defined as public or semi-public organisations
  • City districts or boroughs
  • Metropolitan authorities

In addition, a number of non-city partners are eligible including:

  • Provincial, regional and national authorities, as far as urban issues are concerned;
  • Universities and research centres, as far as urban issues are concerned.


The budget for URBACT IV is €79,769,799 ERDF and total €102,934,000.

Project Examples

Playful Paradigm

Military Assets as Public Spaces (MAPS)

Health & Greenspace

National Contact Point in Ireland

The Eastern & Midland Regional Assembly is the national contact point for URBACT in Ireland. Contact Karl Murphy kmurphy@emra.ie or urbactireland@emra.ie.

Open Calls

The first call for networks under URBACT IV is provisionally planned for early January 2023. Follow URBACT on social media for more info.

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