Social Economy

Why is this topic a priority for the EU?

The social economy has been gaining more and more visibility in the past years as a model that generates positive outcomes, especially in terms of employment and social cohesion across Europe.

The social economy covers a variety of organisational models such as cooperatives, mutuals, associations, foundations, social enterprises and charities. What they have in common are shared values: putting the needs of people and communities first, participative governance, and reinvestment of profits in supports and services.

At EU level, the social economy is a vital part of the overall economy, representing 10% of all businesses in the EU and employing 11 million people. It is an integral part of the EU’s policy objective of delivering “an economy that works for people”.

The social economy makes a valuable contribution to the European social and economic progress through the creation of jobs and through the delivery of services in areas such as homecare, child care, employment, retail, hospitality, environmental services, and social housing.

To ensure that its goals are met, the Commission offers an extensive range of initiatives and funding instruments. These include the European Action Plan for the Social Economy and the exchange programme Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs.

Relevant EU Policies and Objectives 

European Action Plan for the Social Economy

Despite its growing recognition, there is still a lack of awareness about social economy and there can be a lack of opportunities for growth and funding.   

The European Action Plan for the Social Economy aims to boost visibility and understanding of social enterprises, ease access to EU funding and make social enterprises a part of the global political agenda. 

Key Points:

  • Boost the visibility of social economy enterprises 
  • Improve access to finance and EU funding 
  • Remove the legal obstacles impeding the ability to grow and operate in the Single Market
  • Inspire public authorities from the EU and its neighbouring countries to promote the growth of the social economy as a driver of economic and social progress for all

How will it impact Irish civil society organisations? 

Social enterprises as organisations are often struggling to find the right funding opportunities due to the lack of understanding of their functioning and their small size. By implementing the Action Plan recognition and understanding will be boosted and the access to EU funding programmes will be eased. 

Social enterprises can benefit from a variety of European funding and support programmes such as the European structural funds, Horizon Europe, the Digital Europe Programme, EU4Health or the LIFE programme.

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a cross-border exchange programme which gives new or aspiring entrepreneurs the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs running small businesses in other countries. The exchange of experience takes place during a stay with the experienced entrepreneur, which helps the new entrepreneur acquire the skills needed to run a small firm. The host benefits from fresh perspectives on his/her business and gets the opportunities to cooperate with foreign partners or learn about new markets.

Key Points:

  • Reinforce entrepreneurial attitudes by offering skills, knowledge and experience
  • Increase the number of start-ups and boost their resilience
  • Foster the cross-border transfer of ideas, knowledge and cooperation between small firms
  • Help small firms to network, innovate, and go international
  • Help to create jobs

How will it impact Irish civil society organisations? 

Social enterprises can apply as a new entrepreneur or a host entrepreneur and benefit from discovering new European markets, business partners and different ways of doing business.

Useful Links

The Future of EU Policies for the Social Economy

European Funding Toolkit for Social Enterprises & their Support Organisations

Social Economy Action Plan Video

Irish Social Enterprise Network

European Parliament Social Economy Intergroup

European Economic and Social Committee Infoflyer

What future for the Social Economy?

Social economy in the EU

EU funding opportunities for the social economy

Have Your Voice Heard

Decisions that are made at the EU level can have a big impact on our daily lives. At The Wheel we believe that citizens’ active participation in society is vital so they can play a part in influencing the decisions that affect them.

Here’s how you can connect with the EU:

Join is an online community of pan-European active citizens interested in learning from each other and finding common ground on EU issues. Created by the European Parliament during the 2019 European elections, encourages everybody to participate in democracy through virtual events and activities.   

In the lead-up to May 2019, volunteers helped raise awareness about the issues that matter most to them, their friends and families. From climate change to data protection, thousands of EU citizens throughout Europe organised activities, events and debates to remind others that participation in pan-European platforms is essential to dealing with today's challenges.

Check out the latest events organised by the European Parliament and the community, happening online and across Europe, by joining  here.  

Vote in European elections and get to know your MEPs 

Following the European elections in May 2019, 11 MEPs representing Ireland's three constituencies, Dublin, South and Midlands-North-West, took their seats in the European Parliament on 2 July 2019 for Parliament's 9th term. 

With the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union on 31 January 2020, Ireland gained an additional two MEPs.  Barry Andrews (Fianna Fáil/ Renew Europe), Dublin, and Deirdre Clune (Fine Gael/ EPP), South, took up their seats in the European Parliament on 1 February 2020. 

Who are your MEPs and how can you contact them? We have gathered the information for you here.

Engage in EU-funded projects  

Through involvement in EU-funded projects, you’ll deliver on current EU policy and programme goals while helping to shape future policy.

Learn more about the various EU funding programmes and the projects they support here.

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