LIFE is the EU’s funding programme dedicated to the environment and climate action.

Aims & Objectives

The LIFE programme’s main goals are to:

  • help communities transition towards a more sustainable, circular, energy-efficient, renewable energy-based, climate-neutral and -resilient economy
  • protect, restore and enhance the environment
  • halt and reverse biodiversity loss
  • stop the degradation of ecosystems by managing and enhancing the Natura 2000 network for rare and threatened species.

What does it support?

LIFE funds projects that address issues within its four sub-programmes:

  • Nature and biodiversity
  • Circular economy and quality of life
  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation
  • Clean energy transition.

Who can apply?

Entities with an environmental and/or climate mission (including nature/biodiversity and clean energy transition) such as:

  • nonprofit organisations
  • public authorites
  • citizens groups
  • academia and higher education institutions
  • research centres
  • large and small companies

Why the EU funds environment and climate action

Read more about EU policy on the EU Green Deal.


€5.4 billion over seven years.

Project Examples

Improving Corncrake Conservation Status In Ireland. The project is taking place in the West and North-West of Ireland focussing on nine SPAs (eight project sites spanning over 4 300 hectares) and will target the Annex I species Corncrake (Crex Crex).

More examples of Irish projects.

Check out the public LIFE projects dashboard providing data on all LIFE projects since 2014.

National Contact Point in Ireland

Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications, Research and Advisory Unit.



Open Calls

Find open calls for LIFE.

Want to find out more?


More about the Life programme in Ireland

Social Media



LIFE programme - YouTube

View the latest funding from the EU