Justice Programme

The Justice programme is the EU’s funding programme to support judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters.

Aims & Objectives

The Justice programme has the general objective of contributing to the further development of a European area of justice based on the rule of law, mutual recognition and mutual trust.

Its three specific objectives are:

  1. Judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters: to facilitate and support judicial co-operation in civil and criminal matters and to promote the rule of law. This includes supporting efforts to improve the effectiveness of national justice systems and the enforcement of decisions.
  2. Judicial training: to support and promote judicial training with a view to fostering a common legal, judicial and rule of law culture.
  3. Effective access to justice in Europe, including rights of victims of crime and procedural rights in criminal proceedings: to facilitate effective access to justice for all and effective redress, including by electronic means, by promoting efficient civil and criminal procedures and by promoting and supporting the rights of victims of crime, as well as the procedural rights of suspects and accused persons in criminal proceedings.

What does it support?

  • Training activities (staff exchanges, workshops, development of training modules)
  • Mutual learning, cooperation activities, exchange of good practices, peer reviews, development of ICT tools
  • Awareness-raising activities, dissemination, conferences
  • Analytical activities (studies, data collection, development of common methodologies, indicators, surveys, preparation of guides)

All actions funded by the programme must produce results whose benefits go beyond one single Member State.

Who can apply?

The programme mainly supports activities for judiciary and judicial staff, their representative bodies, public authorities and training bodies. It is also open to academic or research institutes and civil society organisations that contribute to the development of a European area of justice.

Why the EU funds programmes supporting justice

Read more about EU policy on the topic of Human rights, justice and equality.


A total of €300 million from 2021-2027.

Project Examples

Explore results from previously funded Justice projects here.

National Contact Point in Ireland

There is currently no Irish National Contact Point for the Justice progamme. Please contact the Access Europe team with any questions.

Open Calls

Find open calls for Justice programme.

Want to find out more?

Subscribe to the official DG Justice Newsletter for information on funding opportunities & funded projects.

Check out the Justice Programme Website

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