
Erasmus+ is the EU’s funding programme for education, training, youth and sport.

Aims & Objectives

It aims to: 

  • Provide support for lifelong learning 
  • Contribute to building a European Education Area 
  • Promote learning mobility in education, training, youth, and sport 
  • Improve the quality of education and training systems 
  • Strengthen European identity and active citizenship

What does it support? 

Projects addressing sector-specific priorities in the programme’s strands

  • Adult Education 
  • Higher Education 
  • School Education 
  • Sport 
  • Vocational Education and Training 
  • Youth

Projects that address one (or more) of the programme’s four key horizontal priorities

  • Inclusion and diversity 
  • Digital transformation 
  • Environment and the fight against climate change 
  • Participation in democratic life

Projects take the form of the following Key Actions

  • Key Action 1: Learning Mobility for Individuals 
  • Key Action 2: Cooperation Among Organisations and Institutions 
  • Key Action 3: Support to Policy Development and Cooperation

Who can apply?

In general, any public or private organisation in a Erasmus+ Programme country can apply if they are a legal entity. Sole traders cannot apply for Erasmus funding.

Higher Education 

  • Students 
  • Staff 
  • Higher Education Institutions

Adult Education 

  • Organisations providing formal, informal and non-formal adult education 
  • Local and regional public authorities, coordination bodies and other organisations with a role in the field of adult education  
  • Organisations whose aim is to educate the general public on a specific topic or issue

School Education 

  • All schools - pre-primary, primary and post-primary 
  • Teachers 
  • Learners – individuals or groups/classes  
  • School Education staff

Vocational Education and Training 

  • Organisations providing initial or continuing vocational education and training  
  • Local and regional public authorities, coordination bodies and other organisations with a role in the field of vocational education and training 
  •  Companies and other public or private organisations hosting, training or otherwise working with learners and apprentices in vocational education and training   
  • Organisations creating training and/or educational materials for staff, volunteers or other professionals


  • Young people 
  • Youth workers 
  • Organisations that work directly with and/or advocate for youth


  • a public body in charge of sport at local, regional or national level;  
  • a sport organisation at local, regional, national, European or international level;  
  • a National Olympic Committee or National Sport confederation;  
  • an organisation representing the 'sport for all' movement;  
  • an organisation active in the field of physical activity promotion;  
  • an organisation representing the active leisure sector;  
  • an organisation active in the field of education, training or youth.

Why the EU funds education, training, youth and sport

Read more about EU policy on the topic of Education, training, youth and sport.


€26.2 billion over 7 years.

Project Examples

The SCOPE project is aimed at third sector staff and volunteers in need of capacity building, skills development and recognition of non-formal learning, particularly those who are socially excluded in such a way that it is difficult for them to access training opportunities. 

The Ethics4Sport project investigates and promotes ethics and perceptions of fairness in grassroots sport.

Read more impact stories on the Léargas website.

National Contact Point in Ireland

Open Calls

Find open calls for Erasmus+.

Want to find out more?

Erasmus+ EU programme for education, training, youth and sport 

Sport for community cohesion and social inclusion

Erasmus+ funding and Léargas supports

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