Donegal County Council

Donegal County Council, as a local authority, provides essential services across a range of areas in the county. It also cooperates with outside bodies and agencies in order to improve service delivery for the citizens of the county.


Donegal - North West Ireland



Type of organisation:

Public institution


  • Education and training
  • Rural development
  • Urban development
  • Young people / youth work
  • Services for people with disabilities
  • Health services and health promotion
  • Mental health
  • Sport and exercise
  • Active citizenship
  • Arts and Culture
  • Heritage
  • Animal welfare
  • Policy and advocacy
  • Poverty alleviation
  • Social inclusion
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Human Rights
  • Children
  • Environment
  • Sustainable development
  • Gender and sexuality
  • Unemployment
  • Services for older people
  • Housing and homelessness
  • Employment and job creation
  • Peace and reconciliation
  • Services for Travellers and ethnic minorities
  • People in vulnerable situations e.g. domestic violence.


  • Research
  • Policy, advocacy and campaigns
  • Community outreach and engagement
  • Development of education and training materials and programmes
  • Scientific innovation
  • Technological innovation
  • Cultural and artistic innovation
  • European learning networks and exchanges
  • Governance
  • Digitalization


Donegal County Council, (Comhairle Chontae Dhún na nGall), is the authority responsible for local government in the County of Donegal.

The Council has extensive experience of work on national, regional and European funded projects, both as an individual entity and also while working with partner organisations. It is all the time seeking to improve and streamline its service provision for the benefit of the local area and also for the wider region, including on a cross-border basis. The impact of the Council's work is evident across all the areas in which it operates as a local authority, but its track record of engagement with outside partners, its innovation and its ambition are recognised much further afield. This is especially so in the context of engagement on the European stage and the positive results of this are many.

The Council has been the lead partner on a number of significant, successful projects and has also worked diligently as an associate partner with other agencies on a multitude of diverse projects. It is also currently active with ongoing projects and has a designated team that explores the possibilities for further project and partnership opportunities as they arise.

EU Project Experience

Substantial experience

  • Atlantic Area Programme/ Trail Gazers / Lead Partner
  • Peace IV / Riverine / Lead Partner
  • Interreg VA / Catchment Care / Lead Partner
  • Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme / Ascent / Lead Partner
  • Atlantic Area Programme / TIDE / Partner
  • Atlantic Area Programme / Atlantic on Bike / Partner
  • Atlantic Area Programme / CAPITEN / Partner
  • Interreg VA / SinCE-AFC / Partner
  • Interreg VA / PASSPARTOOL / Partner
  • Interreg VB / North West Greenway / Partner
  • Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme / EMERGREEN / Partner
  • Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme / SMARTrenew / Partner
  • Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme / SMARTIC / Partner
  • Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme / CINE / Partner
  • Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme / WaterPro / Partner
  • Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme / Cool Route / Partner
  • COSME / WAOH! Route / Partner

EU Funding Goals

The Council would seek to learn from the experiences of others in accessing relevant funding programmes, whilst also sharing our own knowledge of engagement in this area. It would be beneficial to see how procedures operate in other countries and in particular how others deal with capacity building and stakeholder engagement. The financial and technical administration of projects would also be of interest.


Donegal County Council has a lot of expertise in developing ideas and concepts for successful projects. It also has a wealth of experience in drafting and refining funding applications and in operating as a valuable, experienced and active partner with other agencies. The Council is diligent and attentive when engaging with fellow stakeholders. It has also built up a strong relationship with the National Contact Points, (NCP's), across a range of sectors and maintains strong working relationships with national and European networks.


Contact Name:

Joy Harron

Job Title:

Acting Senior Staff Officer

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